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Summer Bucket List after Graduation

There is plenty to do to make the most out of summer this year and we put together a list to help get you started with the planning!

It is time to celebrate! We are so excited to congratulate all 2021 graduates for their years of dedication and hard work while pursuing their degrees. Receiving a college degree is a remarkable milestone, and it is important to reward yourself before the next phase of life begins! Maybe one of the biggest things you will miss in college is the time off in the summer, so what better way to take advantage of this summer than with a bucket list! There is plenty to do to make the most out of summer this year and we put together a list to help get you started with the planning!

Plan a family trip:

Before you start this new chapter, make time for family. Plan a trip to the mountains and go hiking, have a picnic in the park, or find a fun recreational activity the whole family can enjoy. Spend time together near home then take a road trip to a fun destination. Road trips are always a great way to spend quality time with your family. Make your own road trip playlist to remember the year on Spotify. Spend extra family time with your extended family too-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and younger siblings.  It has been a long year with all the restrictions and those connections need to be renewed. As you move on to your new job and city, keep in touch with family frequently. You might not see them as much, but their support is important. A quick call after a bad day at work can be a big boost!

Reconnect with friends:

After enjoying some of the summer with your family, visit some old friends from high school you have not seen often during college. Nothing is better than simply catching up with old friends, so don’t worry about planning a lavish trip together. Invite them to your old hang out spots or start new traditions.  

Make a summer reading list:

After graduation, you will find yourself at home with a lot of time on your hands. What better way to relax at home one last summer than picking out a few books to dive into? Read a book from your favorite author or find an interesting biography about someone who has influenced your life. Setup a hammock outside or take a trip to the beach for a day of reading in the sun. If you know where you are moving next, research some notable authors that were born there and read any of their books that interest you. You can also find plenty of travel style books to read and learn what is fun to do near you, to add to your summer bucket list.

Find a new hobby:

Extra time in the summer makes finding a new hobby an exciting option. Ask yourself what you have wanted to do but never had the time or what new expertise you want to take with you into adulthood. Start with photography so you can document all your fun summer adventures!

Become a master chef of your favorite dish:

One great bucket list idea that you can use down the road is finding a new love for food. Whether it was making simple meals in-between classes or hanging out with friends at your favorite restaurant, it was easy to adhere to a food routine in college. The summer after college is the perfect time to expand your culinary expertise. Check out new restaurants you have been wanting to try. Start cooking with an easy meal-prep kit like Blue Apron. Then you can start making your own dishes from online recipes or ask a relative to show you a traditional family recipe. Once you become more confident in the kitchen, venture out and explore the food your neighborhood has to offer. Shop for ingredients at your local farmers market or check out some grocery stores that offer fresh organic food and foreign delicacies. Once you get a better idea of the new meals you like, plan a food-centric vacation. Travel to a well-known foodie city that specializes in what you like and take a one-week cooking class. When you return home, you’ll be a master of your new dish, so plan a celebratory dinner with friends and family and showcase your new skill.

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