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Tips for Moving Out

When it is finally time to pack your things and go, move-out day can seem to be one long and stressful day; but it doesn’t have to be.

One minute you are moving into your apartment, the next your lease is almost up! When it is finally time to pack your things and go, move-out day can seem to be one long and stressful day; but it doesn’t have to be. You can never begin planning too soon and organizing your time to complete tasks prior to move-out, will help make it a seamless process. Start planning your move-out today with these tips to ease the process:

Plan ahead:

The more you plan, the less rushed you feel on move-out day, and the less daunting the process becomes. Plan well before your final move-out day.Sometimes it is tricky deciding what must be done sooner rather than later, but the earlier you establish a move-out timeline, the more seamless the transition becomes.

Review lease terms:

Reviewing the terms of your lease is one of the first steps tocomplete your move-out. Make sure to look over leasing terms a few monthsbefore move-out day to understand your apartment’s required notice timeframe,security deposit policy, and other important information. Are their nail holesthat will need to be patched? Did you paint and need to return the wall colorto the original one? Speak with the office to ensure you understand the tasksyou are responsible for. Schedule a walk-through of your unit ahead of move-outday if you want to be present. Make sure you turn in all of your keys to avoidextra charges. Work out a plan with your roommates if you are not the last onemoving out, to ensure common area items are cleaned. Your security deposit willno.  Once you know the day you are movingout, start focusing on the most evident aspect of the process: your belongings. 

Start decluttering:

First ask yourself what you want to keep and what you can live without. Decluttering before you move reduces your moving costs and allows you to start fresh in your next home.Check out these decluttering tips before you start packing:

  • DONATE clothing, furniture, and household items (pots, pans, dishes, bedding, etc.) you no longer need to your favorite charities in town or have a“stuff swap” with friends to trade belongings.
  • SELL items that have a higher value. Familiarize yourself with Facebook Market Place and Craigslist. Post items for sale on your stories on Instagram or have a good old fashioned yard sale.
  • RECYCLE or TOSS anything that cannot be donated or sold. Remember, there might be a limit as to what you can put in the trash each week. Pace your trash output so the receptacles aren’t overflowing.

While you give some possessions the boot, start using up the ones that cannot be moved, such as cleaning supplies and frozen food.  As clutter clears and only the essentials remain, step back and decide if movers need tobe hired or if your parents will be helping you.

Arrange moving help:

You will need some help with the move! Research all your options ahead of time. If you need a professional moving service, make the necessary arrangements with the mover at least eight weeks before move-out day. Remember, everyone else is moving out around the same time as you, so plan ahead.  If you can pull off a complete DIY move, obtain moving boxes and pack your car or your friends car. Do not forget to check out free resources for boxes too-Craigslist, Grocery Stores, etc.


Who to contact before move: Feel free to take the sole focus off your belonging five to six weeks before move-out day and consider what needs to be done tore-establish yourself in your new home. Start thinking about everyone who needs to be notified of your move. The following is a list of everyone that should be notified before you move:

·      Start off with friends, family, and work colleagues if you are making a big move!

·      Ask forreferrals when necessary and obtain copies of your personal records. Moving out of state? You might need to updated your motor vehicle registration, licensing documents, and other important paperwork.

·      Contact utility companies like gas, electric, water, cable, and internet (if you setthem up individually.) Know your specific move-out and move-in days andschedule your services to disconnect when you leave and reconnect the first day in your new home.

·      If you have any pets or plants, arrange special transportation.

·      Pick one afternoon to visit the post office-USPS to submit a change of address form. You can also update your address online www.usps.com


The 2-week countdown:

Move out day is only two weeks away, and you are more than preparedfor the final day in your apartment. Now to start thinking of all the little loose ends that need tying up. Settle any outstanding bills you have with friends or local merchants. Get your car checked and serviced if you have along drive, return library books, sell textbooks or return lab equipment to school.  With less than a week to go,turn your attention to inside the apartment. Disconnect the appliances that will come with you and organize them. Pick out personal items that you will need right away in your new home and pack a box that will be by your side for the move.


Day of move - have fun with it:

Yes, moving can be stressful, but have fun with it. Treat yourself at the end of moving day with ice cream or a night out with friends. Moving to a new place can be exciting and fun, so have fun surfing the web to look for the new salons, gyms, restaurants, and other places you will be using. Remember to snap a few photos of the big move- a few years from now it will be great to look back and see how far you have come. Good Luck!!

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